Our Mission

We create stories with the purpose of entertainment. For us, our readers and audience are the most important aspect of our business. With that said, we will always strive to respect and honor their time by creating and producing the best content possible. People have more options than ever when it comes to entertainment, so for those who choose to occupy their time by engaging with our content, we want to ensure that we are producing a quality product that honors their decision.

Our content will be geared toward a general audience.

When it comes to depictions of violence, sexuality, and other adult themes, our content will not feature anything that would not be allowed in a PG-13 film. Some of our stories will be more mature in nature, and some will be more geared toward an audience that’s 10 and younger. We will make it a point of emphasis to differentiate what the attended audience for each of our titles is.

Our stories can feature allusions and allegories to themes that deal with real-world issues, but for us, the story that’s unfolding is of the utmost importance. Issues affecting the real world will not take center stage for any of our stories; the stories themselves, with the purpose of entertainment, will be front and center for everything we produce.

Allusion One will always strive to produce the best product imaginable, and we look forward to bringing our audience along with us on our journey.